Наконец-то вышлел в свет новый тест билд 3.54.6, кое-что пофиксили с прошлого теста, что вызывало нарекания со стороны общественности. Однако, начиная с 5ого теста была введена система, что при потери морали теряется -25% скорости передвижения отряда, игра после этого немного стала сложнее, в особенности после использования масс огнеметов и прочего, что понижает мораль.
Вообщем, ченж предоставлен ниже:
Global: - DE ... add good version
- Max 2 repairers on all structures/vehs **
- buff arty DPS **
- review t3 requirements to allow faster t3 techs eg. for SM t3 you need EITHER sacred artifact OR mech shop -> not both **
- All units get a 20% speed nerf when morale broken instead of a buff. Additionally, Daemon dmg modifier reduced from +30% dmg to +20% as leaving it alone will be a severe double nerf. **
- move path of damnation to armoury. Requires barracks or sac pit **
- Khorne armoury research requires t2 only **
- nerf raptor jump allocation (max charge 70 instead of 90) **
- t2 needs rax and armoury...gay **
- cult champ reqs **
- khorne blood fury ability increases mass **
- New version added **
- Infantry/vehs cost souls. Starting souls tweaked. **
- Tech tree modified in keeping with v5/6 changes **
- Nico's latest log implemented **
- Increase the mass of Farseer from 18 to at least 20 **
- Nerf Brightlances vs vehicle_low (one reason why the current SM Land Speeders aren't OP vs Eldar like they're vs IG) **
- harlie needs morale **
- review t3 wargear requirements **
- AtE requires only t2 **
- Jain Zar only buffs Exarch HP by 50, no DPS bonus granted **
- WS -35hp, FD +35hp. Exarches unchanged **
- Sent: Review Las/Autocannon FoTM, HF needs <3 ***
- kasrkin fotm review --> ok no change needed ***
- Lower GM Lasgun fire on the move penalty from 0.35 to 0.3 **
- assassin/inq requires mech or mars **
- LR vanquisher needs only t3 **
- Lower Ogryn Quarters power cost from 10 to 0 like Kasrkin Quarters **
- -5 psyker/priest power cost **
- buff sent flamer horizonal traverse **
- Fixed many things from Kasrkin Sergeant's Hellgun **
- HWT increased to 400hp basic. **
- GM gL reqs need rax....fix **
- Fix default ork keys
- review TB rocket allowance....it's huge atm --> -2 rokkits **
- Kommando price hike +10/+20 **
- slugga pistol/nob pistol horizontal pan **
- WB needs mech...fix **
- default hotkeys fixed **
- deceiver tooltips fix **
- turret hp buff **
- added garrison to summoning core to allow u to de-bug units that have CC bug **
- buff wraith HP by 50 **
- t3 warrior/FO/imm chasing tech **
- deceiver arty upgrade in t3 **
- immortal cost to 80. Reduced build timer by 20% **
- Dread dps **
- LS vs inf_low --> nerf!! **
- ASM LC icon
- buff sniper vs commander a tad **
- move scout tech to t1 at armoury **
- shorten drop pod load speed a bit **
- promethium cannisters requires t2 only **
- asm jump allocation (max charge 70 instead of 90) **
- Pimpy's latest build added **
- Tech tree changes implemented as per other races **
- tau nade stun bug **
- -200 BS hp **
- feral leap to pte **
- mark target doesn't need t2 **
Скачать можно по следующей ссылке: http://dow.lerp.com/mods/DoWproBeta354_ver_6.exe
з.ы не пытайтесь запустить данный тест билд без установки полной 3.54; ставится рядом и запускается отдельным экзешником
Добавлено (17/Авг/2009, 10.54)
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